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How do I set id prefixes used by Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_XXX

When I render a Zend_Nagivation instance in my view, by default the anchor tags have id's assigned with the prefix of the view helper, followed by a dash, and then the page's id.

Examples of Page 1's anchor id (all using the same Zend_Nagivation instance):

  • Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu = "menu-1"
  • Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Breadcrumbs = "breadcrumbs-1"
  • My_View_Helper_Navigation_MyMenu = "mymenu-1"

This is perfect for most cases, but I'd like to set that prefix manually, and I can't find a way to do it.


Specifying the prefix can be accomplished by adding the following code, and then calling setIdPrefix() when rendering:

class My_View_Helper_Navigation_MyMenu extends Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu
    protected $_idPrefix = null;

     * Set the id prefix to use for _normalizeId()
     * @param string $prefix
     * @return My_View_Helper_Navigation_MyMenu
    public function setIdPrefix($prefix)
        if (is_string($prefix)) {
            $this->_idPrefix = $prefix;

        return $this;

     * Use the id prefix specified or proxy to the parent
     * @param string $value
     * @return string
    protected function _normalizeId($value)
        if (is_null($this->_idPrefix)) {
            return parent::_normalizeId($value);
        } else {
            return $this->_idPrefix . '-' . $value;


  • The culprit is Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_HelperAbstract::_normalizeId() for which I see no other solution than to create your own custom version of each navigation view helper you require.