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Remove virtual environment with virtualenvwrapper-win

I'm trying out virtualenvwrapper-win (on Windows 7), everything works as it should, but when I try to remove virtual environments with rmvirtualenv command I am getting this output:

> rmvirtualenv env_py3
The directory is not empty.

Deleted C:\Users\User1\Envs\env_py3

And the directory (env_py3) contains just one file: pip-selfcheck.json. How do I fix it without deleting all the directories manually?


  • This may be a bit hacky, but you can modify the rmvirtualenv.bat script to include this line:

    REM Hack to remove pip-selfcheck.json
    if exist ".\pip-selfcheck.json" ( del ".\pip-selfcheck.json" )

    I put it right after the call folder_delete.bat line.