Search code examples

Digits - match contact from non Digits user

[Sorry if this is not very adapted to SO, Digits' support links to SO]

In my iOS app, some users login with Digits, and some don't. I still want to be able to connect all of them using their contact book through Digits'contact matching.

For instance, assuming I have:

user                     |    A     |    B    |
login method             |  email   |  digits |
contact book permissions |    yes   |   yes   |
digit ID                 |     -    |   bla   |
My app Id                |   foo    |   bar   |
phone number             |    ?     |    123  |
contact book contains    |    123   |    -    |

how can I connect users A and B through their contact book ? for user A I've tried:

let session = DGTSession()
let digitsContacts = DGTContacts(userSession: session)
// logs [Digits INFO]: Attempted to initialize a DGTUsers instance with an invalid user session
// digitsContacts is nil


  • Mike from Fabric here. If the another user of your app hasn't logged or used Digits to authenticate as a user, then we can't scan or upload their contacts. Doing so would be problematic on a few different levels.