I might be overthinking this one a little but I could use some help in identifying a way/the best way to do the following.
I have an event handler that is attached to an object that is a property of another class. In my event handler I need additional meta-data about the object that caused the event (i.e. the ID of the object it is contained in). From the sender and the event information there is no way to obtain the information I need. My inclination was that this would be a good place to use a captured variable but I'm unsure of my implementation ideas.
So to illustrate in code I have an event handler:
void MyEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e){
//Do Stuff here
(As a note I'm using base EventArgs here but in my actual implementation the are a specialized subclass and the event is declared using the generic EventHandler)
I am currently attaching it like this:
topObject.SubObject.EventToHandle += MyEventHandler;
I later detatch it like so:
topObject.SubObject.EventToHandle -= MyEventHandler;
I want topObject's ID when I'm handling the event so I was going to change the MyEventHandler to have the following signature:
void MyEventHandler(int id, object sender, EventArgs e)
and attach the event handler like this:
topObject.SubObject.EventToHandle += (s,e) => MyEventHandler(topObject.ID, s,e);
My concern with that is two fold.
Because of those two concerns my thought was to create an Action and save the action and use it until I needed to remove the event handler. I did the following:
Action<object, EventArgs> handler = (s,e) => MyEventHandler(topObject.ID, s,e);
topObject.SubObject.EventToHandle += handler;
I get that the action cannot be casted to an event handler. Is there some easy way that I can make this transformation that will still ensure that I can detach the event handler? Am i just over thinking this/ is there a way I'm not seeing right now to do this?
You can create all nice wrapper functions that wrap existing event-handlers and supply them with object ids, but you will still have to store the resulting delegate explicitly to unsubscribe the event.
The only nice way I see to do it without ugly wrappers is using reactive extensions. It essentially allows you to transform your event to an IObservable, and then you can apply any operator to the resulting IObservable (for example Select will do the job in your case). But it's still no that elegant.