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Scrapy: how to use items in spider and how to send items to pipelines?

I am new to scrapy and my task is simple:

For a given e-commerce website:

  • crawl all website pages

  • look for products page

  • If the URL point to a product page

  • Create an Item

  • Process the item to store it in a database

I created the spider but products are just printed in a simple file.

My question is about the project structure: how to use items in spider and how to send items to pipelines ?

I can't find a simple example of a project using items and pipelines.


    • How to use items in my spider?

    Well, the main purpose of items is to store the data you crawled. scrapy.Items are basically dictionaries. To declare your items, you will have to create a class and add scrapy.Field in it:

    import scrapy
    class Product(scrapy.Item):
        url = scrapy.Field()
        title = scrapy.Field()

    You can now use it in your spider by importing your Product.

    For advanced information, I let you check the doc here

    • How to send items to the pipeline ?

    First, you need to tell to your spider to use your custom pipeline.

    In the file:

        'myproject.pipelines.CustomPipeline': 300,

    You can now write your pipeline and play with your item.

    In the file:

    from scrapy.exceptions import DropItem
    class CustomPipeline(object):
        def __init__(self):
            # Create your database connection
        def process_item(self, item, spider):
            # Here you can index your item
            return item

    Finally, in your spider, you need to yield your item once it is filled. example:

    import scrapy
    from myspider.items import Product
    class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
        name = "test"
        start_urls = ['']
        def parse(self, response):
            doc = Product()
            doc['url'] = response.url
            doc['title'] = response.xpath('//div/p/text()')
            yield doc # Will go to your pipeline

    Hope this helps, here is the doc for pipelines: Item Pipeline