Working on a version of Conway's Game of Life using 2d arrays and when trying too calculate the sum of each cell's "neighbors", I keeping getting blocked by the nil values.
def neighbor_count
grid.each_with_index do |row, idx|
row.each_with_index do |column, idx2|
[grid[idx - 1][idx2 - 1], grid[idx - 1][idx2], grid[idx - 1][idx2 + 1],
grid[idx][idx2 - 1], grid[idx][idx2], grid[idx][idx2 + 1],
grid[idx + 1][idx2 - 1], grid[idx + 1][idx2], grid[idx + 1][idx2 + 1]
.compact seems to yield the most results if include "puts" in front of the array but none of the options I've tried give me 100%. I've tried reduce(:+), inject, .to_i, reject (to get rid of the nil values), and so forth.
What's missing here?
Error: world.rb:35:in block (2 levels) in neighbor_count': undefined method
[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
Line 35 is the line above ].compact.sum
nil values are only a symptom of the illness. Don't treat the symptoms, get rid of the problem! Which is that you are violating array bounds.
enumerates all indexes from the first to the last. And so idx + 1
on the last index will trigger this out-of-bounds situation. And idx - 1
on the first will produce an unexpected value instead of an error, which will impact your calculations. Good luck debugging that. :)
Put some guard checks in your code, to make sure you never go out of bounds.
Just to be absolutely clear, the problem is not that grid[idx + 1][idx2]
is nil and messes up your calculations. It is that grid[idx + 1]
is nil! And, naturally, you can't do nil[idx2]
. That's the error.