I have custom image created based on the yocto project to run on a Arm cortex A9 processor which is on a Zynq. I compile my application with a cross-compiler on my Linux machine, and trying to run it on Arm. But it gives an error asking that it cannot find the libstdc++6 library. This library is really not included on my image. When I manually copy the libstdc++.so.6 to /lib folder on target, it runs successfully. Hence I want to build my image to include that library itself. I tried creating a recipe like seen below
DESCRIPTION = "Copy necessary lib files to rootfs/lib directory"
SRC_URI += " \
file://libstdc++.so.6 \
file://libstdc++.so.6.0.22 \
do_install () {
install -d ${D}${base_libdir}/
install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/libstdc++.so.6 ${D}${base_libdir}/
install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/libstdc++.so.6.0.22 ${D}${base_libdir}/
FILES_${PN} += " \
${base_libdir}/libstdc++.so.6 \
${base_libdir}/libstdc++.so.6.22 \
but it gives the error that those libraries already exists in a shared area. But I cannot figure out how to copy from that shared are to /lib directory in image. Here is the error:
ERROR: my-recipe-1.0-r0 do_packagedata: The recipe my-recipe is trying to install files into a shared area when those files already exist. Those files and their manifest location are:
/home/myUser/REPOS/my-platform/build/tmp-glibc/sysroots/my-board-xc7z030/pkgdata/runtime-reverse/libstdc++6 Matched in b'manifest-my-board-xc7z030-gcc-runtime.packagedata' /home/myUser/REPOS/my-platform/build/tmp-glibc/sysroots/my-board-xc7z030/pkgdata/runtime-reverse/libstdc++-dev Matched in b'manifest-my-board-xc7z030-gcc-runtime.packagedata' Please verify which recipe should provide the above files.
So what is the correct way of putting the standard library into the image?
You don't need to explicitly add libraries to your image, if you've got an application that links againts it (at least as you're linking normally to them).
Instead, write a recipe for your C++ application. In the case of libstdc++.so.6
, this runtime dependency will be automatically detected for you.
Had it been another library, you'd need add it's recipe to you build time dependencies, DEPENDS
; the runtime part would still be handled automatically.
If you want to add libstdc++.so.6
to your image, without adding any C++ application; just add
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " libstdc++6"