This is my data. You can open this link
i want to plot a boxplot where male and female is in x axis and their frequency in y axis. then from there, i want to conduct two sample t-tests. is there any way to differentiate between disturb and undisturbed habitat too?
this is what i've tried;
# install and load ggplot2
trial1$Sex <- factor(trial1$Sex,labels = c("Female", "Male"))
P1 <- qplot(trial1$Sex, xlab="Host Sex", ylab="Host caught", main="HOSTS CAUGHT VS SEX")
trial1$Habitat <- factor(trial1$Age,labels = c("Disturb", "Undisturb"))
P2 <- qplot(trial1$Habitat, xlab="Habitat", ylab="Host caught", main="HOSTS CAUGHT VS HABITAT")
# calculatefrequency
library(plyr) #can also count using this package
#calculate frequency and make data frame
library(dplyr)#or this package
f1 <- factor(c(Sex))
T1 <- table(f1) #create table of frequency
f2 <- factor(c(Habitat))
T2 <- table(f2)
a1 <- ggplot(data = trial1, aes(x = Sex, y = Freq, colour = Sex)) +
geom_boxplot() + xlab("Sex") + ylab("Total ectoparasites") +
ggtitle("Sex vs Total ectoparasites")
The first thing you should do with this type of data is to reshape it from wide to long format. This means creating 2 columns, one for P1, P2 etc. and one for the corresponding values.
trial1 %>%
gather(variable, value, -Habitat, -Sex, -Birds)
I would not recommend a boxplot in this case; given the large number of zero values in the data, it would not be informative. Can I suggest using geom_jitter
to plot counts versus Sex, and using facets to subset further by Habitat:
trial1 %>%
gather(variable, value, -Habitat, -Sex, -Birds) %>%
ggplot(aes(Sex, value)) +
geom_jitter(width = 0.2, alpha = 0.3) +
facet_grid(Habitat ~ .) +
labs(y = "total ectoparasites", title = "Total ectoparasites by Sex and Habitat") +
There are many ways you could summarise the data for subsequent statistical tests. For example, to get a 2 x 2 table of counts by Sex and Habitat (actually 2 x 3, since Sex is the first column:
trial1 %>%
gather(variable, value, -Habitat, -Sex, -Birds) %>%
group_by(Sex, Habitat) %>%
summarise(count = sum(value)) %>%
spread(Habitat, count)
Sex Disturb Undisturb
* <chr> <int> <int>
1 Female 6 23
2 Male 69 117