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How do I use gsed on macOS to replace a string with the contents of a file?

I need to take a text file, an index.html specifically, and insert the contents of another text file into a specific spot in that text file, but not at the end of the line.

I understand how to replace (substitute) the text with a string, as follows:

gsed 's/WHAT_TO_SUBSTITUTE/WHAT_TO_SUBSTITUTE_WITH/' index.html > index-new.html

However when I try to substitute with the contents of a file, I run into issues. Here's what I've tried:

gsed 's/<!--New Posts Go Below This Line-->/r newpost.txt/' index.html > index-new.html

The above does not work at all.

gsed -s '/<!--New Posts Go Below This Line-->/ r newentry.txt' index.html > index-new.html

The above inserts the contents of the file, but at the end of the line instead of substituting the string (as expected)

Contents of text file:

<!--New Posts Go Below This Line--> <div class=panel panel-default><div class=panel-heading><h4 class=panel-title><a data-parent=#accordion data-toggle=collapse href=#collapse56> February 31st, 2069 - New Post </a></h4></div><div class=panel-collapse collapse  id=collapse56><div class=panel-body><img alt=my_favorite_image.png div= src=/render/file.act?path=/my_favorite_image.png /></div></div></div>

Expected output (keep in mind, because of my company's CMS, the html I'm working with is one large block once written to the web server):

....index.html_HTML_code....<!--New Posts Go Below This Line-->CONTENTS_OF_newpost.txt.....index.html_HTML_code....


  • To replace <!--New Posts Go Below This Line--> with content from newpost.html you could stick with simple shell command substitution:

    gsed "s/<!--New Posts Go Below This Line-->/$(cat newpost.txt)/" index.html > index-new.html


    This will only work, if newpost.txt does not contain newlines. Doing stuff with multiple lines with sed is very hard because the syntax is very obscure and hard to read.

    I strongly recommend another tool for the job. For example Perl:

    perl -pe 's/<!--New Posts Go Below This Line-->/`cat newpost.txt`/ge' index.html > index-new.html