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How to connect to ElastiCache cluster using node.js

We know that ElastiCache is not recommended to be accessed outside Amazon instances, so we're trying below stuff inside Amazon EC2 instances only.

We've got a ElastiCache Redis Cluster with 9 nodes. When we try to connect to it using normal redis implementation, it throws some Moved errors

Have tried the retry strategy method as per @Miller. Have also tried RedisCluster with unstable and stable (poor man) implementations.

None of these implementations are working. Any suggestions please?


  • Sharing the code for future readers:

    var RedisClustr = require('redis-clustr');
    var RedisClient = require('redis');
    var config = require("./config.json");
    var redis = new RedisClustr({
        servers: [
                host: config.redisClusterHost,
                port: config.redisClusterPort
        createClient: function (port, host) {
            // this is the default behaviour
            return RedisClient.createClient(port, host);
    //connect to redis
    redis.on("connect", function () {
    //check the functioning
    redis.set("framework", "AngularJS", function (err, reply) {
      console.log("redis.set " , reply);
    redis.get("framework", function (err, reply) {
      console.log("redis.get ", reply);