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PowerCLI- get VM cd-mount in 1 table

I try to get all the vm which have a mounted cd in one table, but the output I get is a line-by line like:

vm1 \vm1_isopath\ vm2 \vm2_isopath\

can it possible to get all the information in 1 table with 2 columns, of VM name, and ISOPath ?

my code is:

ForEach ( $vm in $VMs)

        $VMmount=Get-CDDrive -VM $vm
        if ($VMmount.IsoPath) 
           $vm | select Name


thank you.


  • I extended your code to:

    $vmInfos = @()
    ForEach ( $vm in $VMs)
            $VMmount=Get-CDDrive -VM $vm
            if ($VMmount.IsoPath) 
                # Store needed info in hashtable
                $info = @{}
                $ = ($vm | select -ExpandProperty Name)
                $info.IsoPath =  $VMmount.IsoPath
                # Convert hashtable to custom object
                $object = New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop $info
                # Add to array
                $vmInfos += $object
    # Dump collected infos
    $vmInfos | format-table -autosize

    Hope that helps