I am using the Mathematical Components library and I am trying to prove this:
Lemma card_sub_ord (k : nat) (P : nat -> bool) :
#|[set i : 'I_k | P i]| <= k.
set S := [set i : 'I_k | P i].
have H1 : S \subset 'I_k.
by apply: subset_predT.
have H2 : #|S| <= #|'I_k|.
by apply: subset_leq_card.
have H3 : k = #|'I_k|.
by rewrite card_ord.
(* Only goal left: #|S| <= k *)
rewrite H3 (* <--- this fails *)
The last rewrite fails with an error message:
Error: dependent type error in rewrite of
(fun _pattern_value_ : nat => is_true (#|S| <= _pattern_value_)
Any idea on why the rewrite fails or an explanation of this error message?
The reason your rewrite fails is that k
appears as a hidden parameter in S
, thus by rewriting all the occurrences you make the goal ill-typed. You can check this by using Set Printing All
by rewrite {5}H3.
will close your goal. Note that naming goals in H1...Hn
style is not encouraged in mathcomp. Your indentation also doesn't follow math-comp style, and you may want to use exact:
in place of by apply:
Your proof can also be made shorter by using max_card
by rewrite -{8}(card_ord k) max_card.
by rewrite -[k in _ <= k]card_ord max_card.
thou you could also prefer to use a more generic from that won't require specifying the indexes:
suff: #|[set i : 'I_k | P i]| <= #|'I_k| by rewrite card_ord.
exact: max_card.
Another way to avoid index tinkering is to rely on transitivity:
by rewrite (leq_trans (max_card _)) ?card_ord.