I am using pandas_datareader to return stock prices. The document states that a pandas data frame is returned by the pandas_datareader. The issue is that the data frame is returned with a blank column name. That means until I rename the column I (believe this to be true) cannot add another column. Anyway here is my code:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pandas import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import data, wb
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import style
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
today = dt.date.today()
dtStart = (dt.datetime.strptime("2017-01-01", '%Y-%m-%d'))
dtEnd = (dt.datetime(today.year,today.month,today.day)).isoformat(' ')
def genGraph(graph_filename):
dtStart = (dt.datetime.strptime("2015-01-01", '%Y-%m-%d'))
my_stocks = {'VOD.L'} # Single sumbol.
# my_stocks = {'VOD.L', {'BP.L'}} # Test multiple symbols.
main_df = pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.DataFrame()
for sym in my_stocks:
if main_df.empty:
main_df = (data.get_data_google(sym, dtStart)['Close'])
main_df.rename(columns = {'' : 'X'}, inplace=True)
main_df = main_df.join((data.get_data_google(sym, dtStart)['Close']), how='outer')
return True
This currently returns: One Symbol
I have tried various things however it seems that the column with the prices cannot be renamed. I have also tried renaming the date column and making that as an index. No luck! I wonder if it's better to stick the data into a table and then get it back. Pandas data frame seems to be overly complicated for simple operations.
I have python 3.5.3 and the latest pandas.
That AttributeError posted in the comments is important – you have a Series, equivalent to a single column, not a DataFrame.
will return a dataframe, which you can then rename the columns of and add new columns to.