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Cosmic mind - how to change title bar button's tint color

import UIKit
import Material

class MyVC: UITableViewController {
    fileprivate var deleteButton: IconButton!

    override func viewDidLoad() {


        navigationItem.rightViews = [deleteButton]
    // other delegates of UITableView

extension MyVC {
    fileprivate func prepareDeleteButton() {
        deleteButton = IconButton(image: UIImage(named: "Trash"))
        deleteButton.tintColor =
        deleteButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(doSomething), for: .touchUpInside)

    fileprivate func doSomething() {
        print("delete accessory")

Note that MyVC is pushed from another ViewController.

In MyVC, I want my trash can icon to be at the upper right corner of the screen, which is navigationItem.rightViews = [deleteButton], and to have red base color deleteButton.tintColor =

But it does not work in the code above, the trash can is still black. How can I change its tint color?

It seems that my trash icon is a little bigger then other Cosmic Mind icons at the same rightViews although it has the same size as Cosmic Mind icons (24x24 @1x). Is it true? How to make it a little smaller?



  • The issue with your code is that you are not using the correct rendering mode. Try this:

    deleteButton = IconButton(image: UIImage(named: "Trash")!.withRenderingMode(.alwaysOriginal))

    All the best!