I'm using Doctrine 1.2 and Symfony 1.4.
In my action, I have two different query that return different result set. Somehow the second query seem to change the result (or the reference?) of the first one and I don't have any clue why..
Here is an example:
$this->categories = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Categorie AS c')
->innerJoin('c.Activite AS a')
->where('a.archive = ?', false)
print_r($this->categories->toArray()); // Return $this->categories results, normal behavior.
$this->evil_query = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Categorie AS c')
->innerJoin('c.Activite AS a')
->where('a.archive = ?', true)
print_r($this->categories->toArray()); // Should be the same as before, but it return $this->evil_query results instead!
Why Doctrine behave this way ? It's totally driving me crazy. Thanks!
To make it simple it seem like the Query 2 are hijacking the Query 1 result.
In the API docs for the toArray()
method in Doctrine_Collection
it says:
Mimics the result of a
$query->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
I suspect to answer this question to your satisfaction you're going to have to go through the source code.