I am trying to place currency trades that match an exact rate on a market that only accepts integral bid/offer amounts. I want to make the largest trade possible at a specific rate. This is a toy program, not a real trading bot, so I am using C#.
I need an algorithm that returns an answer in a reasonable amount of time even when the numerator and denominator can be large (100000+).
static bool CalcBiggestRationalFraction(float target_real, float epsilon, int numerator_max, int denominator_max, out int numerator, out int denominator)
// target_real is the ratio we are tryig to achieve in our output fraction (numerator / denominator)
// epsilon is the largest difference abs(target_real - (numerator / denominator)) we are willing to tolerate in the answer
// numerator_max, denominator_max are the upper bounds on the numerator and the denominator in the answer
// in the case where there are multiple answers, we want to return the largest one
// in the case where an answer is found that is within epsilon, we return true and the answer.
// in the case where an answer is not found that is within epsilon, we return false and the closest answer that we have found.
// ex: CalcBiggestRationalFraction(.5, .001, 4, 4, num, denom) returns (2/4) instead of (1/2).
I asked a previous question that is similar (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4385580/finding-the-closest-integer-fraction-to-a-given-random-real) before I thought about what I was actually trying to accomplish and it turns out that I am trying to solve a different, but related problem.
If you want the unreduced fraction, then here's one optimization you can do: Since you'll never be interested in n/2, because you want 2n/4, 4n/8, or 1024n/2048, we only need to check some of the numbers. As soon as we check any multiple of 2, we never need to check 2. Therefore, I believe you can try denominators denominator_max
through denominator_max/2
, and you'll have implicitly checked all of the factors of those numbers, which would be everything 2
through denominator_max/2
I'm not at a compiler at the moment, so I haven't checked this code for correctness, or even that it compiles, but it should be close.
static bool CalcBiggestRationalFraction(float target_real, float epsilon,
int numerator_max, int denominator_max,
out int numerator, out int denominator)
if((int)Math.Round(target_real * denominator_max) > numerator_max)
// We were given values that don't match up.
// For example, target real = 0.5, but max_num / max_den = 0.3
denominator_max = (int)(numerator_max / target_real);
float bestEpsilon = float.MAX_VALUE;
for(int den = denominator_max; den >= denominator_max/2, den--)
int num = (int)Math.Round(target_real * den);
float thisEpsilon = Math.abs(((float)num / den) - target_real);
if(thisEpsilon < bestEpsilon)
numerator = num;
denominator = den;
bestEpsilon = thisEpsilon;
return bestEpsilon < epsilon;