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EXTRA_OUTPUT ignored on Eris, causes data to return null on G1

So I'm trying to launch the Camera activity using the following code:

//In public void captureImage()
Intent cameraIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_CAPTURE_IMAGE);
                      Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard/image.jpg")));
startActivityForResult(cameraIntent, REQUEST_CAMERA);

And then to handle the result:

//In onActivityResult()
  Intent intent = new Intent (CurrentScreen.this, NextScreen.this);

Where I use intent.putExtra(data) to attach the small bitmap to the intent, and use it as a thumbnail in the next activity, and the full sized file is supposedly saved as /sdcard/image.jpg.

This is the expected behavior (according to the documentation), to have a small bitmap for a thumbnail, and a large file saved. However when testing this on a G1 and an Eris, I have been seeing some strange behavior.

On the G1:

  • Although the resultCode shows RESULT_OK, the intent data that is returned to the result handler is null.
  • Also EXTRA_OUTPUT seems to be completely ignored, I have no idea where it is saving the image.

On the Eris:

  • The intent data comes back OK
  • EXTRA_OUTPUT is also ignored, but it is saving the images to the regular media store at /sdcard/dcim/100media

So my question is this: is there any way to get consistent behavior for what I am trying to do using the standard camera activity? I could write up a custom activity to try and get it to work the way I want, but I'd prefer to avoid that route.


  • I do not have answers to your question as I am new to the Java/Android development world. But I am attempting something similar to what you are doing, except I want to simply take the picture then attach it to an Email message.

    I implemented part of your example and was able to verify that the camera created the file I specified and that if I use the same file name for the next picture that it overwrites the previous file which is what I would expect.

    But what I was really going to say is perhaps you will have to test if the pat "/sdcard/..." actually exists or not. Also you could possibly simplify your process by passing the path to the next activity.

    Good Luck,

    Jamie Irwin