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ClearCase ver View Creation error

When trying to create a new dynamic view from ClearCase Explorer on a Windows client and with view storage on a view server I get the following error

Error Creating view -- <viewname>
Unable to create directory \viewserver\path to storage location\<viewname> :No such file or directory.

I tried to create a view, but using the cleartool command from the same Windows client to create a view called next I get:

Cleartool: Error: Failed to record hostname <hostname? in storage directory "<path to view storage\next.vws". Check that root or the clearcase administrator group has permission to write to this directory.
Cleartool: Error: Unable to create view "\<path name\next.vws"

Running cleartool -verall on the client machine, view server and VOB server all show the same version consistently as

The user being used is a member of the ClearCase Administrator Group. Storage locations are shared. The storage location security is member of the same ClearCase Administrator Group.

How can I fix this?


  • "Failed to record hostname" is a pretty generic error. Howeveer "unknown style protections... No Group 'clearcase' found" isn't. The odds are that the ClearCase administrators groups don't match on the client and server.

    TO verify this, run this command at both the server and the client: reg query HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion /v ClearCaseGroupName

    If they don't match, the client should be changed to match the server. If one or the other is not Domain Qualified, then a local group is in use, which will never match even if the names do. DO NOT change the server's group name or you will invalidate all the ACL information for all preexisting views and VOBs.

    If the client is not a member of the same domain as the server, it has to be a member of a domain that trusts the server's domain. Technically the statement is "All ClearCase Windows hosts must be in domains that trust the domains with ClearCase user accounts." And these domains should be in the same forest.

    Creating a view is a multistep process where the client, and view server processes (view_server, and admin_server) are responsible for various components of the creation.

    If the client is Windows 10, and the server is Windows 2008/2008R2, you may encounter some errors after this regarding missing .view, .compiled_spec, etc. files. These are due to "slightly mismatched" quirks in Windows 2008/R2's SMB support and Windows 10's. You can also encounter this if you use NAS-based view storage, regardless of the Windows OS if there are quirks (unsupported features) in the NAS device's SMB2/SMB3 support. The usual observed symptoms here are that you cannot create a view from a Windows 10 client, but can from a Windows 8/8.1 client; or that you cannot create a view from ANY client, but can create it when you log into the server.

    Diagnosing those issues often requires parallel Process Monitor and Network traces taken on both the client and failing view servers. If SMB2 is the protocol in use, there are redirector caches that can be disabled to work around the differences.