I'm using clean-webpack-plugin
to remove the /dist
folder just before building and only when the compilation phase with Flow success.
The problem I have is that the clean plugin runs even when Flow throws error.
Is that possible to fix that (I mean when there is a compilation error, do not remove the "dist" folder)?
function init(a: number) {
const path = require("path");
const webpack = require("webpack");
const flowTypeLoaderPlugin = require("flowtype-loader/plugin");
const CleanWebpackPlugin = require("clean-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = [{
entry : "./src/app.js",
output : {
filename : "build.js",
path : path.resolve(__dirname, "dist")
module : {
loaders : [
test: /\.js$/,
enforce: "pre",
use: CleanWebpackPlugin(["dist"], {
root: "/dist",
verbose: true,
dry: true,
"watch": true
test : /\.js$/,
loader : "flowtype-loader",
enforce : "pre",
exclude : /node_modules/
test : /\.jsx?$/,
enforce : "pre",
loader : "remove-flow-types-loader",
include : path.join(__dirname, "src")
plugins : [
new flowTypeLoaderPlugin({cwd : path.resolve(__dirname, "src"), failOnError : true}),
//Empty "dist" folder
new CleanWebpackPlugin(["dist"], {
root: "/",
verbose: true,
dry: true,
"watch": true
One way this could be solved, is to modify the CleanWebpackPlugin's code by adding a "should-emit" condition. It has worked for me but I am not sure if it works in every possible case:
CleanWebpackPlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {
var _this = this;
if (compiler === undefined) {
return clean.call(_this);
} else {
compiler.plugin("should-emit", compilation => {
if (_this.options.watch) {
compiler.plugin("compile", function(params) {
} else {
return clean.call(_this);
This also requires that you use another plugin in your webpack config file: NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin