I am trying to upload a VHD to Azure using the Azure CLI. I am using Bash for Ubuntu for Windows. I am following these instruction https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/upload-vhd
Its at this stage here i get stuck and i am not sure what to do.
az storage blob upload --account-name mystorageaccount \ --account-key key1 --container-name mydisks --type page \ --file /path/to/disk/mydisk.vhd --name myDisk.vhd
I get the following error:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/_Downloads/myvhd.vhd'
The resource groups, storage disks created fine. How do i proceed?
Machine is windows 10 pro, latest SPs, node.js, bash for ubuntu for windows, azure cli installed
why do you need node.js? az uses python. old azure cli uses node.js, but you are clearly using new one (az
- new vs azure
also, you should probably use a proper path like /mnt/c/_Downloads/myvhd.vhd
. Since you are using WSL you should give it a path that makes sense in WSL.
To access data on your hard drive, you should use the /mnt/
folder, it has all the drives mounted over there