I followed their brief tutorial on downloading an image but I'm encountering an exception:
telegram.photosize.PhotoSize object at ... is not JSON serializable
the function for catching the images looks like this:
def photo(bot, update):
file_id = update.message.photo[-1]
newFile = bot.getFile(file_id)
bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="download succesfull")
photo_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.photo, photo)
At this point I have no idea what I'm doing wrong and can't find any solution on the net.
Turns out I misunderstood the data shape. I thought originally that the update.message.photo
collection held just file IDs. This led me to pass the wrong kind of object in when trying to fetch the file by ID. In order to pull out the file ID, I needed to get the file_id
off the last photo:
file_id = update.message.photo[-1].file_id