Trying to find a way to read an XML file and get all the nodes. Some of the XML files have 1 step depth, others 2, others more. Is there anyway to get all the nodes for all children without knowing their name? e.g. i wrote this piece of code but this works only for 2 steps depth
foreach ($xml->children() as $node) {
if ($node->children()->count()>0) {
foreach ($node->children() as $cnode){
echo $cnode->getName()."<br>";
echo $node->getName()."<br>";
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" >
<multitrans xmlns="http://www.xxxx.xx/">
<TransType tc="100"/>
<company tc="500"/>
<product tc="auto"/>
<att val="0" name="SVCsynchronouscall" />
<att val="2" name="value1" />
<att val="2017-5-15" name="Date" />
<att val="0" name="value2" />
<att val="0" name="value3" />
<att val="0" name="value4" />
Here we are using DOMDocument
and DOMXPath
to find the innerHTML of soap:Body
. And then we treating innerHTML
in simplexml_load_string
and converting it into array using json_encode
and json_decode
, and finally we are using array_walk_recursive
to get all values.
Try another code snippet here Demo for simple xml not-nested
Try this code snippet here Demo for nested xml
$string = '<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" >
<multitrans xmlns="http://www.xxxx.xx/">
<TransType tc="100"/>
<company tc="500"/>
<product tc="auto"/>
<att val="0" name="SVCsynchronouscall" />
<att val="2" name="value1" />
<att val="2017-5-15" name="Date" />
<att val="0" name="value2" />
<att val="0" name="value3" />
<att val="0" name="value4" />
$finalResult = array();
$domObject = new DOMDocument();
$domXPATH = new DOMXPath($domObject);
$results = $domXPATH->query("//soap:Body/*");
foreach($results as $result)
if($result->childNodes->length==1 && $result->childNodes->item(0) instanceof DOMText)
$finalResult[$result->tagName] = $result->textContent;
$array = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($result->ownerDocument->saveXML($result))), true);
array_walk_recursive($array, function($value,$key) use(&$finalResult)
if (!empty($value))
if(isset($finalResult[$key])&& is_string($finalResult[$key]) )
$finalResult[$key] = array($temp,$value);
elseif(isset($finalResult[$key]) && is_array($finalResult[$key]) && count($finalResult[$key])>0)
$finalResult[$key]= array_merge(array($value),$finalResult[$key]);
[username] => xxxxxx
[password] => xxxxxx
[clientid] => xxxxxx
[tc] => Array
[0] => auto
[1] => 100
[2] => 500
[p_year] => 2017
[p_month] => 5
[p_day] => 15
[name] => Array
[0] => value4
[1] => value3
[2] => value2
[3] => Date
[4] => SVCsynchronouscall
[5] => value1
[val] => Array
[0] => 2
[1] => 2017-5-15