When I updated the website of my boss we ran into some problems. Woocommerce 3.0.X doesn't automatically send confirmation emails after costumers place their orders. Because I couldn't find a fix I downgraded the website back to 2.6.14.
This fixed the problem with our automatic emails, but now we aren't able to save any changes to excisting products. We can make the changes but the button doesn't do anything.
When I click on the preview button, the preview opens and the product starts showing the spinner icon as if it is saving. The icons keeps spinning for forever though, and the product does not save.
My error log doesn't show any errors. I suspect it has something to do with autosaving but I'm not sure. Any help would be very much appreciated.
EDIT* I have tried updating products without any other plugins enabled and it still doesn't do anything.
Problem: When Downgrade woocomerce from 3.0 to 2.6 now we aren't able to save any changes to excisting products. We can make the changes but the button doesn't do anything.
Solution: Its simple. 1. Just edit your Product. 2. Tick on DOWNLOADABLE (where we give price for products) 3. make value 0 where its -1 in Download limit and download expiry box. 4. uncheck again downloadable (if product is not downlaodable) Click Update button.