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Can I change the 'app_azf_domain' in access token provided by Horizon?

I'm Testing FIWARE security GEris. But I have a problem when I use PDP (AuthzForce) with PEP Proxy (Wilma).

Now, Wilma and AuthzForce are working well in separately. However, when I request resource to Wilma with an access token, Wilma retrieve the wrong PDP domain because of its 'app_azf_domain' made by Horizon.

This is my access token:

{ "organizations": [ ], "displayName": "user0", "roles": [ { "name": "End user", "id": "bb42b0b3f680469cbba5b2fb4e8c39f7" }, { "name": "Global manager", "id": "17c87423eb514fc1a8a7f0fecaa543f9" }, { "name": "Family", "id": "0a4839c502054c1189a27e40f3189a55" } ], "app_id": "a8e7489b62fc4ed9b8b6ee28d3dd91c8", "email": "", "id": "user0", "app_azf_domain": "iiJ8_xICEeeHFQJCrBEABA" }

Here is the problem. I don't have the iiJ8_xICEeeHFQJCrBEABA domain!

So, can I change the app_azf_domain or make domain named iiJ8_xICEeeHFQJCrBEABA?


  • I reinstall the Keyrock using following URL and the problem is fixed. (

    I recommend you to DO NOT use the following code. (