I'm trying to override the template of an ngx-datatable cell. So in my template (html) file i'm setting a small view for this. To test if the template works i'm just displaying the value with starts around it:
<ng-template #roleTemplate let-row="row" let-value="value" let-i="index">
<strong> **{{ value }}** </strong>
In my component im using ViewChild to get the template and give it to my datatable.
@ViewChild('roleTemplate') roleTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
public columns = [
{ name: 'Name', prop: 'displayName' },
{ name: 'Email', prop: 'emailAddress' },
{ name: 'Role', prop: 'role', cellTemplate: this.roleTemplate },
{ name: 'Status', prop: 'status' },
Only thing the documentation says:
cellTemplate: TemplateRef
Angular TemplateRef allowing you to author custom body cell templates
However it doesn't seem to work. Am I missing something?
I think you need to move your columns initialization inside ngOnInit
ngOnInit() {
this.columns = [
{ name: 'Name', prop: 'displayName' },
{ name: 'Email', prop: 'emailAddress' },
{ name: 'Role', prop: 'role', cellTemplate: this.roleTemplate },