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LIKE SQL-query on an array using Peewee

I have a PostgreSQL table that has a column with an array of tags (an array datatype in the tags column). Using Peewee (the python ORM), I would like to select all rows where any of the tags matches a part/substring of any string in a list.

So, for example, I could have a list that looks like this:

["stan", "tina"]

and that should match all rows in the table that has any of the tags afghanistan, pakistan, stanford or argentina.

The SQL query could look something like this:

SELECT * FROM media WHERE tags::text LIKE ANY (ARRAY[‘%stan%‘, ‘%tina%‘]);

How would I do this using Peewee?

The tags column is modelled like this:

tags = ArrayField(TextField)


  • assuming your model looks like

    from peewee import Model, TextField
    from playhouse.postgres_ext import ArrayField
    class Media(Model):
        tags = ArrayField(TextField)

    creating subquery with array field unnested

    from peewee import fn
    subquery = ('id'),

    generating tags filter like

    tags = ["stan", "tina"]
    tags_filters = [subquery.c.unnested_tags.contains(tag) for tag in tags]
    tags_filter = reduce(operator.or_, tags_filters)

    and final query will be

    query = (,
             # gets rid of duplicates

    P. S.: in Python 3 reduce function is available at functools module while in Python 2 it is a built-in