I am going to create simple JSON array from my items list. I have found great sample how to do it with JsonBuilder. It looks like:
class Author {
String name
def authors = [new Author (name: "Guillaume"),
new Author (name: "Jochen"),
new Author (name: "Paul")]
def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
json authors, { Author author ->
name author.name
But, I have to add a custom property to my JSON. It has to look like:
json authors, { Author author ->
def c = author.name.bytes.encodeBase64()
name author.name
code c
But this code isn't working, I have to separate in JSON members and closure members in some way. Frankly, I am not a big expert in groovy and guess that answer could be a bit simple.
Also, I know that I can create the custom list of my items and convert this list in a next way:
def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(authors)
But, I want to implement this in the closure.
The code you suggest produces [[name:Guillaume, code:R3VpbGxhdW1l], [name:Jochen, code:Sm9jaGVu], [name:Paul, code:UGF1bA==]]
, so your code is just fine? It seems your environment is blocking this script.