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Openlayers 3 unable to fire click event on Android mobile phone

After hours of research and testing, I am experiencing a change in behavior in Openlayers 3 on Android phone devices using Chrome. The problem may be seen here: Try and open the page in an Android phone in Chrome. Then try to click the map. The only way I am able to consistently receive a popup is to kind of whip my finger at the phone, touching the screen just minimally for a short period of time. Here is what I know:

  • Works on Apple mobile devices, desktops, Android phone Firefox, and Android tablet Chrome
  • Doesn't work on Android Chrome on a phone
  • Click and double click events do not work
  • moveend event does fire
  • Working fine last week

The evidence points to a Chrome issue on Android phones but I am unsure. Has anyone else experienced this problem? How did you resolve this? Thanks in advance.


  • Yes this is a known issue please see discussion here for details: