I want to get some data like date and time on background process and update UI with that without block the UI process, I tried to do that with this code:
var dateTime = await Api.Get<DateTime>("api/getNow");
MyTextView.Text = dateTime;
But this code blocked the UI and I need to get this data each 30 minute and because of that I add code below which I found from Xamarin:
TimerCallback timerDelegate = new TimerCallback(CheckStatus);
Timer timer = new Timer(timerDelegate, s, 30000, 30000);
But in Zebble the Timer not defined with 4 parameters.
To run some code on the UI you can use this code:
Device.UIThread.Invoke(()=>{ //UI code });
And for running some code on the background process and you need do something when UI is working on the other process you can use ThreadPool like below:
Device.ThreadPool.Invoke(()=>{ //Background Code });
After that, when you want to run some code in a period you can use the Timer in Thread namespace like below:
var s = new TimerExampleState();
var timerDelegate = new TimerCallback(() =>
//Your code
var timer = new Timer(timerDelegate, s, 1000, 1000);
For more information you can see link below: http://zebble.net/docs/understanding-zebble-threading
Disclaimer: I am a Zebble project contributor and engage in technical support.