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Amazon In-App Purchasing Subscription receipt has null subscriptionPeriod

I am trying to implement Amazon's IAP in a web app, but the receipt returned from the purchase has a null subscriptionPeriod object, so I can't check the endDate to verify the subscription. Amazon's sample app is also not working for the subscription item (the blue button) for this same reason. I have tried running it through the RVSSandbox verification server and get: {"message":"Failed to parse iap token","status":false} HERE is Amazon's sample app hosted on a web server, the only change being that I did a console.log(receipt) so you can see the null subscriptionPeriod. Any help here would be wonderful!


  • Well. Amazon said HERE that this behavior is "as expected" although it is not at all what is given in the developer reference, and indeed their own sample code is un-workable because of it. They basically have said "do as much as you can and then upload for beta testing for a real test." Not ideal imho, but they have the customers, so what can you do?