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Alamofire access append data to global variable

I am having some trouble doing an Alamofire call and appending the JSON data to a global array, and I'm really starting to stress.

I understand that when doing API calls it is done in an asynchronous thread. However after doing research on the matter, I have followed what the recommendations are but I'm getting lost because in everyones example they only print the data, and that works, but when I try to append the data to an array I'm still getting a count of 0.

class SomeClass: UIViewController {
    var categories = [Int]()
    @IBOutlet var labels: [UILabel]!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.getJSON() { response in 
            self.populateArray(json: response)

        //This prints 0 :( 
        print("Size: \(categories.count)")
        var count = 1
        for lbl in labels {
            for var i in 0..<categories.count {
                //Obviously this never computes so they all are black instead of some being red
                lbl.tintColor = count == categories[i] ? UIColor.Red : UIColor.Black

    public func getJSON(completionhandler: @escaping (JSON) -> ()) () {
        Alamofire.request("some url").responseJSON { response in 

        switch response.result {
            case .success:
                let jsonData = JSON(data:!)
            case .failure(let error):

   public func populateArray(json: JSON) -> () {
        //JSON still prints fine
        for (index, subJson):(String, JSON) in json {
            //Again, prints fine

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? or if it is achievable in the first place, which if not, is there an alternative to achieve what I am after?

Many Thanks.


  • If you want that code to execute straight after getJson then you need to put that code inside the closure.

    self.getJSON() { response in 
        self.populateArray(json: response)
        print("Size: \(categories.count)")
        var count = 1
        for lbl in labels {
            for var i in 0..<categories.count {
                lbl.tintColor = (count == categories[i] ? UIColor.Red : UIColor.Black)