I just got caught by this seemingly innocent attempt to call the std::string
constructor that takes a size and a character value, using uniform initialization syntax:
std::string s{ 10, '\0' };
I thought this would create a string with the length of 10, initialized with \0
Though it actually calls the constructor that takes an initializer list and thus creates a string with the length of 2, initialized with {'\n', '\0'}
See demo at Coliru.
Is there a way to avoid this pitfall when using uniform initialization? Or do I just have to be careful?
Note: Similar question has been asked before, but no answer was given on how to avoid that pitfall.
You just have to be careful.
In general, when people tell you to "use uniform initialisation so that everything is consistent and, well, uniform", ignore them. I mean, by all means use uniform initialisation, but don't believe that fairytale.
Also, ignore the name of the feature.