I am trying to get the business days between two date columns by adding a new date_difference column.
What have I tried?
bd = workday(ll.date_done,ll.order_date, cal)
bd = networkdays(ll.date_done,ll.order_date, cal)
km = np.busday_count(dd.date(), od.date(), holidays = cal)
An error I am getting.
'Series' object has no attribute 'days'
What I am trying to do.
# Table Name: ll
order_date date_done
2017-04-09 2017-04-16
2017-04-09 2017-04-18
2017-04-10 2017-04-20
What I am expecting:
order_date date_done Date_Difference
2017-04-09 2017-04-16 4
2017-04-09 2017-04-18 7
2017-04-10 2017-04-20 6
What Calculation I am doing?
I have holidays list excluding which I am trying to get the business days difference from two dates. The above date_difference calculation is just dummy numbers.
You can use numpy.bus_daycount()
if you pass it the correct types as:
df['date_diff'] = np.busday_count(
Test Code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from io import StringIO
df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO(u"""
order_date date_done
2017-04-09 2017-04-16
2017-04-09 2017-04-18
2017-04-10 2017-04-20"""), header=1)
df.order_date = pd.to_datetime(df.order_date, infer_datetime_format=True)
df.date_done = pd.to_datetime(df.date_done, infer_datetime_format=True)
df['date_diff'] = np.busday_count(
order_date date_done date_diff
0 2017-04-09 2017-04-16 5
1 2017-04-09 2017-04-18 6
2 2017-04-10 2017-04-20 8