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Downloading video from youtube using VLC with the command line

I'm making this batch script to download a video in MP4 from youtube using VLC with the command line. and it works fine for me !

@echo off
REM Downloading a video from youtube using VLC with the command line by (c) Hackoo 2017
Title Si Lemhaf - Kharrej Legrinta Elli Fik by (c) Hackoo 2017
mode con:cols=65 lines=3 & COLOR 0E
Taskkill /IM "vlc.exe" /F >nul 2>&1
echo     Please wait a while ... The download is in progress ...
set Title=Si Lemhaf - Kharrej Legrinta Elli Fik by (c) Hackoo 2017
set "VLC_URL="
set "URL="
set "File=SiLmehaf.mp4"

        Set "vlc=%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
    ) else (
        Set "vlc=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"

If Not Exist "%vlc%" (
    Cls & COLOR 0C
    Echo       "The VLC program is not installed on your system" 
    TimeOut /T 5 /NoBreak>nul
    Start "" %VLC_URL%

"%vlc%" -vvv "%URL%" --qt-start-minimized --qt-notification=0 --sout=#transcode{vcodec="h264",vb="512",fps="23.97",scale="1",acodec="mpga",ab="128","channels=2",samplerate="44100"}:standard{access="file",mux=mp4,dst=%File%} vlc://quit"
REM Starting the video in fullscreen with VLC
Start "" "%vlc%" -f --meta-title="%Title%" %File% 

But, my problem is why some URLs from Youtube dosen't work ? like this one :

I got this error from VLC program

Can not recognize the format of the input media


  • Because the owner of this video : has turn off the embedding , you cannot download it with vlc . Your code work fine ,If you stream the youtube video from vlc programm >> Media >> Open capture device and past your Url , you will get an error.

    Also the yturls script will display the following error when trying to download the Youtube video:

    YouTubeAPIError: This video contains content from VEVO. It is restricted 
    from playback on certain sites or applications.