I have a csv file data. I want to find maximum of each column, when I am directly writing the header with the help of d3.max to find maximum it's working fine, but when I am storing header into an array and then finding maximun through the header stored in array, then its not working.
Suppose my data is :
data = foo,bar
I stored the header value in an array :
headerarr = [ "foo", "bar"]
When I am calculation like below, it is giving me correct value
var maxarr = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.foo; } ); //Working Fine
But when I am trying to find the value by getting header data from array, its not working.
var maxarr = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.headerarr[0]; } );//Not Working
What is the correct way to access the array data so that it also give me the same result.
var maxarr = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d[headerarr[0]]; } );