I currently using sean.js on a project. Everything looks good but I have a issue with the sign up process. I recently Implemented a backend policy on my routes to give permissions to my users depending on their roles, something like this:
exports.invokeRolesPolicies = function () {
roles: ['myRole'],
allows: [{
resources: '/some-route',
permissions: '*'
exports.isAllowed = function (req, res, next) {
var roles = (req.user) ? req.user.roles : ['guest'];
// If an person is being processed and the current user created it then allow any manipulation
if (req.people && req.user && req.people.user && req.people.user.id === req.user.id) {
return next();
// Check for user roles
acl.areAnyRolesAllowed(roles, req.route.path, req.method.toLowerCase(), function (err, isAllowed) {
if (err) {
// An authorization error occurred
return res.status(500).send('Unexpected authorization error');
} else {
if (isAllowed) {
// Access granted! Invoke next middleware
return next();
} else {
return res.status(403).json({
message: 'User is not authorized'
I used the template that comes with SEAN an it uses ACL to set the permissions. This method works fine when you log in with your user.
The problem is, when I create a new user from the sign up form, it automatically log in on the system but it doesn't get the roles with it and the req.user.roles is null. I have a process when after signing up the user need to finish another form to set everything, but due the role issue, the policy doesn't recognize the role and gives a "guest" role causing that I can't access to my routes. If I log out after the automatic sign in of the sign up, everything works fine because now the roles are set fine.
Do I have to set something else on the redis server and how? Or what do I need to do?
Well after a long research I figure out how to solve this. It follows that I was missing a line of code on my sign up controller. I need to login the req.user right after saving the user like this:
user.save().then(function() {
req.login(user, function(err) {
if (err)
message: errorHandler.getErrorMessage(err)
}).catch(function(err) {
The second line was that I was missing.
Hope this help someone else in the future.