I have a page-internal link in an html page:
<div class="bar">
<a href="#foo">Go to foo</a>
I selected this anchor element using Capybara matcher. When I try to access the href
attribute, the value is expanded to full URL:
find(".bar a")[:href] # => "http://path/to/page#foo"
How can get only the internal link, i.e., the verbatim href value?
find(".bar a")... # => "#foo"
Capybara returns the property href
(as opposed to the attribute) in JS capable drivers, which is normalized. To get access to the attribute value you will need to use evaluate_script
link = find(".bar a")
evaluate_script("arguments[0].getAttribute('href')", link)
If, on the other hand, you just want to verify the link has that specific href attribute you can do that with the :link selector
expect(page).to have_link('Go to foo', href: '#foo')
or to find the link by the href attribute
link = find(:link, href: '#foo')