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Intent seems has no data, does it have any applications?

ADB can be used to send broadcast intent by for example:

adb shell am broadcast -a com.whereismywifeserver.intent.TEST --es sms_body "test from adb"

where: -a is the action and -es is the extra string. My thought is that the action parameter is necessary, since it is used by the intent receiver to receive the intent using (intent filter). However, I noticed that we can send intent without specifying the action for example:

adb shell am broadcast -n

Why this is possible? Isn't an empty intent? and any applications of such thing?


  • Isn't an empty intent?

    No. -n creates an explicit Intent, one that identifies the application ID ( and the component ( Using an explicit Intent directly delivers the Intent to the designated component; in your case, via a broadcast.

    and any applications of such thing?

    Explicit Intents are used widely in Android, perhaps even more commonly than are implicit Intents. Examples include:

    • Tapping on a home screen launcher icon (startActivity() with an explicit Intent)

    • JobService and other specialized service classes (bindService() with an explicit Intent)

    • ACTION_MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED (sendBroadcast() with an explicit Intent)