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How to implement Deep Linking in Roku SG application?

I need help understanding deep linking, because our Roku Scene Graph application was rejected by Roku.

Roku explains deep linking here:, but this documentation is not detailing all information about deep linking. For example, how do we get the contentId and mediaType?

Here is our main() function that runs on launch:

function main(args as Dynamic) as Void
    print "args" args
    if (args.ContentId <> invalid) and (args.MediaType <> invalid)
        if (args.mediaType = "season")
        end if 
    end if
end function

After the application launches, we print args, and we get this associative array. However this does not show any contentId and mediaType.

<Component: roAssociativeArray> =
    instant_on_run_mode: "foreground"
    lastExitOrTerminationReason: "EXIT_UNKNOWN"
    source: "auto-run-dev"
    splashTime: "1170"

Using this curl command, the application launches successfully showing the contentId and mediaType:

curl -d "" ""

Please help us and provide a better example to understand and implement easily Deep Linking.


  • You're on the right track. The purpose of the Deep Linking is to get a user from a Roku Search listing or banner directly to a season or episode of your channel.

    There is not a great example in the docs of how you would program this for a Scene Graph channel, so we had to write this ourself also. Once you have it implemented there is a couple ways to test it:

    1. Use the Eclipse plugin -> File > Export > BrightScript Deployment. Fill in the DeepLinking params field like so: contentID=1234&MediaType=episode

    2. Use the Roku Deep Link Tester:

    3. Hard-code some deep link params into your channel

    Here's how we implemented the Deep Linking logic in main.brs:

    sub Main(args as Dynamic)
        screen = createObject("roSGScreen")
        m.port = createObject("roMessagePort")
        screen.setMessagePort(m.port) = screen.getGlobalNode()
        'Deep Linking
        'args.ContentId = "78891" 'Testing only
        'args.MediaType = "episode" 'Testing only
        if (args.ContentId <> invalid) and (args.MediaType <> invalid)
  "DeepContentId", "string", true)
  "DeepMediaType", "string", true)
   = args.ContentId
   = args.MediaType
        end if
        scene = screen.createScene("HomeScene")
        '...load content, other startup logic
        while true
            msg = wait(0, m.port)
            msgType = type(msg)
            if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
                if msg.isScreenClosed() then exit while
            end if
        end while
        if screen <> invalid then
            screen = invalid
        end if
    end sub

    Then on your home screen in HomeScene.brs, once your content has initialized:

    'Check for deep link content
    if <> invalid then
        if ( = "short form" or = "movie" or = "episode") then
            'find selected content in feed
            'play episode or movie content directly
        else if ( = "season")
            'find selected content in feed
            'show season screen for content
            ? "Unrecognized Deep Link Media Type"
        end if
        'It may be necessary to remove deep link params = invalid = invalid
    end if

    I hope this is helpful in getting your Deep Linking up and running. Let me know if I missed something.