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JavaCC - choice based on return type?

I have an ifElse Statement which can be of the following two types

a) ifElse(condition, expression_bool_result, expression_bool_result)

whereas expression_bool_result may either be TRUE/FALSE, the result of and(), or(), ==, !=.... or further ifElse

b) ifElse(condition, expression_arith_result, expression_arith_result)

whereas expression_arith_result may either be any number, the result of calculations of further functions returning a number... (or further ifElse)

Since I am new to javacc, I would like to ask you how a production could look like which allows the parser for a clear decision.

Currently I get the warning

Warning: Choice conflict involving two expansions at
line 824, column 5 and line 825, column 5 respectively.
A common prefix is: "ifElse" "("
Consider using a lookahead of 3 or more for earlier expansion.

which - as far as I can tell - implies that my grammer (regarding ifelse) is ambiguous.

If there is no way to write it unambiguously, how could the suggested lookahead look like?

Thanks for your feedback in advance!


  • No fixed amount of lookahead could possibly resolve this ambiguity in all cases. You could have an arbitrarily long stream of tokens that form a valid expression_arith_result - but is then followed by a comparison operator and another arithmetic value, thus turning it into an expression_bool_result.

    The solution would be to have a single ifElse statement, that takes two arbitrary expressions. The required agreement in type between the two expressions would be a matter of semantics, not grammar.