I tried the following:
method: 'GET',
interceptor: ['OtherService', function(Otherservice){
console.log('Too bad, not executed...');
return {
response: (response) => {
console.log('Too bad, not executed...');
But it does not work. I found some mentions that $resource has particularities compared to $http, but I could not find the right pattern for this.
You can not directly inject service with interceptor, instead you should be wrapping $resource in factory or service and then can use factory dependency into $resource.interceptor to use.
Example is attached below:
angular.module('mainModule', ['ngResource']).
factory("MyResource", ['$resource', 'SomeService', function ($resource, SomeService) {
return $resource(
'/', {
someMethod: {
method: 'GET',
interceptor: {
response: function (data) {
// here you can use SomeService
console.log('response in interceptor', data);
responseError: function (data) {
// here you can use SomeService
console.log('error in interceptor', data);
Way to import service in ES6 way:
import mainModule from './mainModule';
class SomeController {
constructor($scope, SomeService) {
this.$scope = $scope;
this.SomeService= SomeService;
SomeController.$inject = ['$scope', 'SomeService'];
mainModule.controller('SomeController', SomeController);
In similar fashion you can make factories and services as well.