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Parse Custom Variables Through Templates in Golang

Is it possible for me to set a variable in a template file {{$title := "Login"}} then parse it through to another file included using {{template "header" .}}?

An example of what I'm attempting:


{{define "header"}}


{{define "login"}}
        {{$title := "Login"}}
        {{template "header" .}}
        Login Body!

How can I parse this custom $title variable I made through to my header template?


  • As @zzn said, it's not possible to refer to a variable in one template from a different one.

    One way to achieve what you want is to define a template – that will pass through from one template to another.

    header.html {{define "header"}} <title>{{template "title"}}</title> {{end}}

    login.html {{define "title"}}Login{{end}} {{define "login"}} <html> <head> {{template "header" .}} </head> <body> Login Body! </body> </html> {{end}}

    You could also pass through the title as the pipeline when you invoke the "header" template ({{template header $title}} or even {{template header "index"}}), but that will prevent you passing in anything else to that template.