I'm struggling with limiting the number of results returned from array_agg()
. This is my query so far:
SELECT array_agg(row_to_json(smr.*))
AS "monthRatings"
FROM services s
INNER JOIN servicemonthratings smr ON s._id = smr.service_id
GROUP BY s._id
Is there maybe a better way to accomplish the same thing as above?
SELECT s.*, array_agg(row_to_json(smr)) AS "monthRatings"
FROM services s
JOIN servicemonthratings smr ON s._id = smr.service_id
GROUP BY s._id;
(meaning the row type) instead of smr.*
, same result here.services._id
must be the PK, or the query is nonsense.I suspect you really want a JSON array of rows, and you don't want to eliminate services that have no ratings (yet):
SELECT s.*, smr."monthRatings"
FROM services s, LATERAL (
SELECT json_agg(smr) AS "monthRatings"
FROM servicemonthratings smr
WHERE smr.service_id = s._id
) smr;
Now you don't need to aggregate services
, and _id
does not have to be the PK.
And since this LATERAL
subquery always returns a row (due to the aggregate function in it) no services are eliminated.