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How to parse error with Square Connect API example (Node)

I am trying to learn how to process payments with Square, and am trying to run their examples from GitHub to get a feel regarding how to structure the payments application. I built the node example from here: using npm install and npm build to get the app up and running.

I am using "4532759734545858" for the card number, "123" for CVV, "0120" for expiration, and "94103" for the zip. I got the card number from here: where it states that this is a good number to use for a Visa sandbox.

Also, I have updated the config.json with properties from my developer settings.

When trying to process a payment a get a DOM element that says "Card Declined" without further specifying the error. Is there something I can do to parse the error?

Based on the documentation at: it seems the amount_money field of the request is not being populated, but I am having trouble confirming.

Ideally I would like to get to a point where I can add a card as a hash value to my db and use it for recurring billing...


  • That "card declined" message is actually the error you get back from Square's APIs. You can play around with the error messaging in the app.js file and the `error.jade. Try error.catagory, code, detail.

    Keep in mind that this is just a sample app, to show that you can use the APIs with node.js, you probably don't want to use this code in your production system.