I'm trying to get some points
on my density plot for the seq(-3, 3)
[i.e., 7 numbers]. I get the 7 corresponding density values but when I try to execute points
, I get:
Error in xy.coords(x, y) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ
As really there is no length difference, I assume there is class()
difference problem between x, and y for points()
I appreciate a solution?
Here is the R code:
positions = rnorm(1e4)
DENS = density(positions, adjust = 2, n = 1e4)
plot( DENS, col = "red", lwd = 3, xlab = "Positions",
ylab = "Density", xlim = c(-6, 6), main =
NA, bty = 'n', zero.line = F)
x.DENS.2 = seq(-3, 3)
y.DENS.2 = approx(x.DENS, y.DENS, xout = x.DENS.2 ) ## get the x.DENS.2 density values
points(x.DENS.2, y.DENS.2) ## Error
The y.DENS.2
-object is actually a list with x and y components:
str(y.DENS.2 )
List of 2
$ x: int [1:7] -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
$ y: num [1:7] 0.00514 0.0642 0.23952 0.37896 0.24057 ...
... so you can just use
points(y.DENS.2, col="blue")