What is the proper way to specify the type definitions a polymorphic method that depending on the parameter types has different return types?
// @flow
import {func1} from './lib1';
const s: string = func1('string');
const b: boolean = func1(); // should cause type error but does not!
export function func1(p) {
return (typeof p === 'string') ? p : 0;
// @flow
declare module "lib1" {
declare export function func1(p: string): string;
declare export function func1(_: void): number;
I would have hoped to received an error message in index.js(4) but flow does not complain!
Yes, the example you gave is how to declare an overloaded function. However, you may want to change the second line to:
declare function myFunc(_: void): number;
Since Flow allows a function to be called with too many arguments (though not for much longer), it may select the second overload even if the function is called with a string. The modification I suggest makes it so the argument must be undefined
(which is what is implicitly passed if you just leave off an argument).