Windows7 using VS2013 development of a plug-in, and perfect running on ie8
, now transferred to Windows XP, ie8 browser can not load plug-ins.
I take the measures:
Can not open the program database "d: \ firebreath-master \ build \ npapicore \ npapicore.dir \ debug \ vc100.idb"
how can i do?@taxilian
In general, it's not particularly appropriate to call out a specific person to answer a question on stackoverflow. I do monitor this tag, so I see it, but just so you are aware =]
There are three basic reasons why a plugin may not load:
is a common one to see looking like it isn't there when it works, but most anything else is likely to be a problem. It's quite possible that there are dependencies added by vs2013 that aren't there with vs2010; I'd also verify that the target set in win_common.h in firebreath is correct for windows XP.If none of that helps I'd recommend using the firebreath-dev google group which is a more appropriate place for a discussion.