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How does the Firebreath plugin run on Windows XP?

Windows7 using VS2013 development of a plug-in, and perfect running on ie8, now transferred to Windows XP, ie8 browser can not load plug-ins.

I take the measures:

  1. VS2013 on Windows 7, select the v120_xp, but there is no effect;
  2. Install the XP system, VS2010 in the virtual machine,Run Firebreath demo again,the following error occurred:

Can not open the program database "d: \ firebreath-master \ build \ npapicore \ npapicore.dir \ debug \ vc100.idb"

how can i do?@taxilian


  • In general, it's not particularly appropriate to call out a specific person to answer a question on stackoverflow. I do monitor this tag, so I see it, but just so you are aware =]

    There are three basic reasons why a plugin may not load:

    1. The plugin is not registered correctly
      • This shouldn't be possible, since firebreath takes care of that for you; can't guarantee that nothing went wrong, of course. The only way to troubleshoot this is to learn how registration works and double check everything.
    2. The plugin DLL has libraries which are not available on the system
      • This would be my #1 guess as to what is happening; the best way to check is to use Dependency Walker to see what dependencies it has that may not be available; ieshims.dll is a common one to see looking like it isn't there when it works, but most anything else is likely to be a problem. It's quite possible that there are dependencies added by vs2013 that aren't there with vs2010; I'd also verify that the target set in win_common.h in firebreath is correct for windows XP.
    3. The plugin may actually be loading but then crashing immediately.
      • The easiest way to test this would be to add a call to __debugbreak() early in the plugin lifecycle; this will make it look like it crashed but let you attach a debugger.

    If none of that helps I'd recommend using the firebreath-dev google group which is a more appropriate place for a discussion.