I have this HAML code adding an "active" class based on an if statement.
= link_to 'Contact Information',
class: ("active" if params[:section] == 'contact_information')
I want to also add a string of classes permanently, outside of the if statement.
Something like
= link_to 'Contact Information',
class: "Tab large", ("active" if params[:section] == 'contact_information')
I need to do this without creating a helper method because I'm not allowed to edit the code too much.
Use the ternary operator
= link_to 'Contact Information',
class: "Tab large #{params[:section] == 'contact_information' ? 'active' : ''}"
The second example:
= link_to 'Contact Information',
class: current_page?(edit_user_registration_path) ? 'active' : ''