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Matlab text on Linux with Intel graphics

On my laptop with an Intel HD 5500 graphics card, if I run Matlab (locally or on a remote machine) some text in menus and inside figures is unreadable. This is what the Edit menu of an empty figure looks like:

Edit menu of an empty figure window

The lines that are unreadable seem randomly chosen but they're not: in every new figure, it's those menu items.

The solution offered here of starting matlab with the option -softwareopengl works -then the text is readable- when I start Matlab on my own machine. On remote Matlab sessions however it still produces unreadable text.

The suggestion of using backports to get rid of the problem unfortunately does not work: even with the backported drivers the text is not right.

Do other linux drivers (perhaps outside of the Debian repositories) solve this problem?


  • Try putting a file called 'java.opts' in the matlab binary directory (e.g. /path/to/matlab/R201Xy/bin/glnxa64) with contents
