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m3u parsing with batch script

I would like to parse Artist and title of song from m3u playlist with batch command

#EXTINF:151,TJR - We Wanna Party Into We Want Some Pussy (BB Tribe EDIT)
\#Mixit\pjesme\TJR - We Wanna Party Into We Want Some Pussy (BeatBreaker Tribe EDIT).mp3
#EXTINF:202,Alan Walker - Alone (Prisoners Bootleg)
\Users\Asrock 880\Downloads\Alan Walker - Alone (Prisoners Bootleg).mp3
#EXTINF:236,Alan Walker - Alone 2k17 (#Ash Simons Bangerz) (Ft. Holl & Rush)

so the output .txt file will look like this

TJR - We Wanna Party Into We Want Some Pussy (BB Tribe EDIT)
Alan Walker - Alone (Prisoners Bootleg)
Alan Walker - Alone 2k17 (#Ash Simons Bangerz) (Ft. Holl & Rush)

Any help will be useful, thanks

It can be power shell too or anything other but with a better description I'm DJ... :P


    • So you want only the information on the lines beginning with #EXTINF following the comma.
    • you will find hundreds of examples on [SO] working with findstr to select lines with a pattern (see findstr /?)
    • and also with for /f to parse the content of a line with delimiters and tokens (see for /?)

    In a batch:

    @Echo off
    (For %%M in (*.m3u
      ) Do For /f "tokens=1* delims=," "%%A" in (
        'findstr "^#EXTINF" %%M'
      ) Do Echo %%B
    ) > Playlists.txt

    On the cmd line:

    @For /f "tokens=1* delims=," %A in ('findstr "^#EXTINF" playlist.m3u') Do @Echo %B

    To redirect to a file enclose the for command in parentheses and append >playlist.txt